Monday, March 8, 2010

Avatar Smavatar

Welcome all! I am posting to besmirch avatar. Avatar sucked! Not only did it have swear words, but the spacial effects where cheesy. Plus the movie was totally predictable. I knew that the people or the smurfs didn't make it. The people didn't make it. The actors could have done so much better! If you have the choice of getting zapped by a super deadly jellyfish or watching Avatar, choose being zapped. If you have the choice of facing your second worst fear,( Avatar being the worst) or watching Avatar, choose facing your worst fear. Bye and thanks for reading!


  1. I love it. I want to besmirch Avatar too because it was boring and way too long. Not everyone wants to spend almost three hours in a theater with dumb glasses on (that you have to pay extra for) watching this. Good job Patrick.

  2. Patrick,
    Thanks for reviewing Avatar. I haven't seen it yet and thanks to you, I won't waste my money on it now. What movie do you recommend for me to take my kids to since Avatar was so bad?

  3. Nice post Patrick! I love the use of the word 'besmirch'. Way to tell it like you mean it!

  4. I recommend The Lightnig Thief.

  5. Great review, Patrick! Can you give us a hint on what movie you will be reviewing next?

  6. G R E A T !!!! Looking forward to it!
