Thursday, May 27, 2010

School Sucks

I hate school! School sucks! Why do we have to spend like 9 months there??????? 2 is plenty! What's up with the 5 hours 30 minutes thing??? We really have 6 hours but I subtracted recess. Normally, I would subtract lunch too, but ever since the new 4 Boys 4 Girls per table came out it's been almost worse than math. Almost worse than math I tell you! To make school better,(for kids) me, Jacob, Timmy, Cole,Sam and Brenden have wrote a constitution. Even better, we have gotten 55 signatures and we need 50! The reason for the extra 5 is that when we got 50 and recess wasn't over we said "Well we could get more signatures". So we did. I hate school and nobody will ever change that. Even if our rules get accepted.